
Biden Goes on the Attack, Warns on Warren “She’s Going to Raise People’s Taxes”

With Elizabeth Warren clearly gaining momentum and attracting larger crowds, former VP Joe Biden launched one of his most pointed attacks on rival Elizabeth Warren.

Biden slammed Elizabeth Warren for dodging the middle class tax question and said that her ‘Medicare for All’ plan would raise taxes.


ATR reports Joe Biden slammed Elizabeth Warren for dodging the middle class tax question and said that her ‘Medicare for All’ plan would raise taxes.

It’s going to cost a lot of money and she’s going to raise people’s taxes doing it,” Biden said during a town hall in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, on Friday.

Responding to Biden, Warren dodged the question again and told a CNN reporter that “Giant corporations are going to see their costs go up. But costs, for middle class families, for working-class families, for the people that are squeezed so badly, are going to go down.

This article was written by the staff of TheConservativeOpinion.com 

By Jon Heltzel

Source: theconservativeopinion

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