
Former Miss Iraq Rips Omar, Calls Her Anti-American, Anti-Semitic

Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan ripped Ilhan Omar in a recent interview saying she does NOT represent here as a Muslim.

Omar replied to a tweet about Idan misinterpreting her statement and pointing out she doesn’t live in Minnesota.

Idan then threw down the gauntlet.

“Seriously @IlhanMN this is your intellectual come back?” she asked. “I said as a MUSLIM! I dont stand for your anti-American, anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood agenda using this democracy to further YOUR & YOUR FRIENDS Islamic socialism goals of dividing & weakening our country.”

From FoxNews

Former Miss Iraq Sarah Idan provoked the criticism of Rep. Ilhan Omar on Thursday after news surfaced that she distanced herself from the freshman Democrat from Minnesota in an interview.

“Ilhan Omar does not represent me as a Muslim — does not represent millions of Muslims in the Middle East,” Idan told “The Sara Carter Show.”

Those comments prompted Omar to stress that she wasn’t the beauty queen’s representative since she didn’t live in her congressional district.

“Hey, I might be wrong but I don’t think you are a #MN05 resident and like that makes be not your representative,” Omar tweeted alongside a shrug emoji.


Idan labeled the Minnesota congresswoman’s agenda “anti-American.”

“Seriously @IlhanMN this is your intellectual come back?” she asked. “I said as a MUSLIM! I dont stand for your anti-American, anti-Semitic, Muslim Brotherhood agenda using this democracy to further YOUR & YOUR FRIENDS Islamic socialism goals of dividing & weakening our country.”

This article was written by the staff of TheConservativeOpinion.com 

Source: theconservativeopinion

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