House Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijahe. e. cummings (D-Md.) on weekdaydischarged a memorandaparticularization “grave” national security considerations raised by a White House staff member over the Trump administration’s security clearance methodassociate degreed declared plans to subpoena a former White House official as a part of an in progress investigation into security clearances.
The informant, Tricia Newbold, participated in an exceedingly transcribed interview with Democratic and Republican committee workers in late March “to expose grave and continued failures of the White House security clearance system, as well asthe safety clearance adjudications of senior White House officers,” consistent with a memorandaparticularization her accusations discharged by e. e. cummings on weekday.
Among her allegations, Newbold told the committee that Trump administration officers overruled her and differentcareer officials in additional than XXIV instances so as to grant clearances to officials and contractors despite there being “disqualifying issues” in their backgrounds.
In a separate letter to White House counsel Pat Cipollone, e. e. cummingsdefendant the White House of “obstructing” his committee’s in progress probe and aforesaid that the committee can vote weekday on whether or not to authorize a subpoena for Carl Franz Joseph Kline, the White House’s former personnel administratorWorld Health Organizationserved there for the primary2 years of President Trump’s administration, to seem for a transcribed interview before the committee.
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