
Trump shifts his attention to surging Biden, lays off Sanders

And then there is Ukraine. Barely a day after Biden’s South Carolina primary win, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson threatened to issue a subpoena for records related to the work Biden’s son conducted for a Ukrainian energy company. Trump was impeached by the House last year for pressuring the Ukrainian government to investigate the Bidens over the matter.

Members of Trump’s inner circle have spent months mapping out potential match-ups against Biden and Sanders. While some are worried that Sanders could be a dynamic presence and pose a challenge in the industrial Midwestern areas that catapulted Trump to the presidency, many perceive the 78-year-old liberal as an ideal opponent.

In recent weeks, Trump has repeatedly made attacks on socialism the focus of his speeches and rallies — a gambit aimed at winning over moderate-minded suburbanites who could be turned off by Sanders’ brand of liberalism.

By contrast, some Trump backers worry Biden could present a serious obstacle for the president in swing areas. Nunberg voiced concern that former President Barack Obama could turn out to be a formidable surrogate for Biden in his effort to make inroads.

„President Trump and his campaign should take Obama’s eventual public role this fall very seriously and develop a message that can expand their 2016 support,” said Nunberg.

With Sanders losing ground in recent days, the Trump machine has abruptly tapered back on its once-constant stream of attacks on the Vermont senator and refocused them on Biden. The hope, two party officials said, was that by doing so it could give Sanders a small boost.

Hoping to depress and sideline Sanders’ supporters, Trump is loudly asserting that mainstream Democrats are conspiring to keep the Vermont senator from winning the nomination.

The president began circulating the idea earlier this year, when he contended that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi scheduled the impeachment inquiry to prevent Sanders from campaigning in Iowa ahead of the caucuses. The president doubled down after the Democrats bungled the counting of votes in Iowa, where Sanders had been favored to win.

And with moderate Democrats closing ranks around Biden, Trump and his political team is going further.

“Establishment Democrats,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a Tuesday night statement, “have ganged up to try to deny Bernie Sanders the nomination.”

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