US news

AOC Furious After McConnell Staffers Goof Around With a Cardboard Cutout of Her

A twitter account called “feminist next door” tweeted a photo of “Team Mitch” staffers goofing around with a cardboard cutout of freshman rep. AOC.

She wrote:

Pictured: seven young white men in “Team Mitch” T-shirts, gathered round a distressed looking cardboard @AOC

, groping and kissing her. The caption, “break me off a piece of that.”

Future federal judges of America.

AOC then responded herself, clearly upset, asking Mitch McConnell:

Hey @senatemajldr – these young men look like they work for you.

Some mentioned that far worse have been done to Trump from liberals including mock “beheadings” and shootings.

Tony Morocco wrote “Grow a backbone Ocasio, politics is a contact sport.”

By  Jon Heltzel

Source: theconservativeopinion

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