US news

Hill leaders close to striking emergency coronavirus funding deal

The Trump administration initially asked for an extra $2.5 billion to fight the coronavirus, half of which would come from other accounts, like the Ebola virus response. But that figure was widely panned by Congressional leaders, who are seeking a far more robust approach.

In a sign of the gravity of the situation, Republicans and Democrats appear likely to sidestep a major political fight over reauthorizing FBI surveillance powers that are set to expire on March 15, which had threatened to complicate the passage of any funding package on the floor this month. And GOP leaders have agreed to drop any demand that Congress fully pay for the package, eliminating another major hurdle for the bill’s passage.

Both chambers are also moving at a much faster clip than typical funding packages, with the House slated to vote mid-week, followed by a Senate vote as soon as this week.

“We worked through the weekend on the appropriations measure. Hopefully we can all reach a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on that soon,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters on Monday afternoon.

Publicly, Democratic leaders continue to hammer the Trump administration for its response to the coronavirus, criticizing Trump directly for his “deflection and fingerpointing” and calling out proposed budget cuts to agencies like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“The denial must stop. President Trump must take responsibility,” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said on the Senate floor Monday, urging his administration to “get a handle on the situation.”

But behind closed doors, budget talks over coronavirus have been notably bipartisan as the U.S. grapples with escalating numbers of cases in cities across the country this week, according to multiple people familiar with the process.

Democratic and Republican appropriators have largely kept their heads down as they look to bury the political rancor of last week, when lawmakers sparred publicly over the Trump administration’s response to the epidemic.

The final product is expected to have such broad support that it will pass under a fast-track House procedure reserved for the least controversial bills.

Negotiators are still haggling over several key details, including language that would make sure vaccines are affordable for all populations, according to people familiar with the talks. The bill is also likely to include a requirement that the Trump administration replace $136 million that it’s shifting from various health accounts in order to pad out its response to the outbreak.

„We should get this done Wednesday or Thursday. It shouldn’t be a problem,” House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said, adding, „I know Democrats were trying to legislate in a way that they shouldn’t. They were trying to add things that shouldn’t be a part of it.“

Republican and Democratic leaders have also begun coordinating a response on the grounds of the U.S. Capitol.

Pelosi on Monday invited McConnell, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and McCarthy for a joint operational briefing by top Capitol officials.

The meeting, which will take place Wednesday, will focus on „keeping the Congress open for the people’s business,” according to a senior aide.

Pelosi also informed her members in a “Dear Colleague” letter on Saturday that several offices — including the House Sergeant At Arms and Architect of the Capitol — are preparing a “comprehensive, coordinated response to mitigate any impact on Congressional operations.”

The House Administration Committee has sent each congressional office information about emergency preparedness, including frequently asked questions about the virus and options for telework.

“With regard to the Capitol, we are in the process of determining exactly what precautions, if any, to take,” McConnell told reporters.

John Bresnahan, Jennifer Scholtes and Melanie Zanona contributed to this story.

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