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VIDEO: Woman Who Told Beto “Hell No, You’re Not” on Gun Confiscation Speaks Out

Fox News found the woman in the viral video, telling Beto O’Rourke “Hell No, You’re Not” on gun confiscation.

Her name is Lauren Boebert. She’s a restaurant owner in Colorado, and is a big supporter of President Trump.

“I am here to say: Hell, no, you’re not,” Lauren Boebert told O’Rourke during a town hall event in Aurora, Colo., passionately defending her rights under the Second Amendment.

have four children, I am 5-foot-0, 100 pounds, I cannot really defend myself with a fist. … I want to know how you’re going to legislate that because a criminal breaks the law, so all you’re going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens, like myself.”

“I am here to say: Hell, no, you’re not,” Lauren Boebert told O’Rourke during a town hall event in Aurora, Colo., passionately defending her rights under the Second Amendment.

have four children, I am 5-foot-0, 100 pounds, I cannot really defend myself with a fist. … I want to know how you’re going to legislate that because a criminal breaks the law, so all you’re going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens, like myself.”

DailyCaller reports Lauren Boebert, the Colorado restaurant owner who confronted Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke about his gun control proposals during a Thursday town hall, discussed the issue on Saturday morning’s “Fox & Friends.”

“I am here to say hell no, you’re not,” Boebert, who owns a pro-Second Amendment restaurant called Shooters Grill, told O’Rourke on Thursday. “I have four children. I’m 5 foot zero, 100 pounds, cannot defend myself with a fist. I want to know how you’re going to legislate that, because a criminal by defense breaks the law. So all you’re going to do is restrict law-abiding citizens like myself.”

In addition to discussing what led her to confront the presidential candidate, Boebert also had a few more words for O’Rourke along with a message for President Donald Trump.


“Well, I heard that Beto was coming to my state of Colorado to talk about gun control or maybe gun legislation, and I heard what he had to say about taking away our Second Amendment rights and our firearms,” Boebert said, responding to a question about why she decided to confront O’Rourke. “And I really wanted to go down there and just reverse his statement, and tell him absolutely not. Because I’m sure that that is every gun owning American’s immediate response to his ‘hell yes’ was an immediate, firm ‘hell no.’”

“Shame on him for coming to Colorado to expound upon our tragedies,” she continued. “Those are our victims and he came here to paint a picture for his own campaign trail and, really, shame on you sir for doing that. We were here. We experienced those losses. That was a community, a community loss, and honestly those victims were defenseless. There were criminals that did those horrible acts, and, by definition, those criminals do not obey the law, so there is no legislation that you can pass that is going to stop the evil in a man’s heart. So, if he has a desire to go out to harm someone he will find a way to do that.”

The Colorado restaurant owner then had some words of encouragement for President Trump:

Our current administration absolutely needs to take a stand now, today, and say we will honor the Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. We support our president. I love my president, and I implore him, please protect our Second Amendment. We elected you to do just that. We don’t want anything inched away because every little thing that’s on chopping block eventually will lead to no ownership of firearms in America.

This article was written by the staff of 

By  Jon Heltzel

Source: theconservativeopinion

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